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Work from home: Is it really working?

At this point, almost every single one of us has worked from home at some point during the pandemic. Lots of us are still working from home and will probably never go back to a traditional office. For some of us, that’s great news, for others (like myself) it comes with some drawbacks.

Let me ask you this: Can you work from your couch with a dog on your lap, the TV on in the background and the dirty dishes staring at you from your open concept single story? Or are you like me and you need calm, clean and orderly for optimal output?

If you need your own space and you don’t have it, maybe it’s time to make a change. Maybe you can convert that guest room into an office. Maybe you can transform your tool shed into a shabby chic she shed with cozy vibes and a personalized work space. Maybe, it’s time to sell the house you're in and make the investment in a home that supports your business and income because the tax write outs may make up for the added expenses.

Maybe you hadn’t thought about this yet but now you have questions, give me a call. I’m here for all the brainstorming sessions, design ideas and house hunting events!

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